Mechanical Testing

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Tensile Testing

Tensile testing determines a material's mechanical properties, such as its strength, ductility, and elasticity, by measuring its response to a uniaxial tensile force until failure.

Our capabilities include:

  • 120,000 lb capacity

  • Tension, compression, and shear testing

  • Bolt tension testing

  • Proof load testing

We test to the following test standards, or customer specified requirements:

  • ASTM A370

  • ASTM A48/A48M

  • ASTM B557

  • ASTM E8/E8M

  • ASTM E517

  • ASTM F606/F606M

  • ASTM E646

  • ASTM A370

  • ASTM F606/F606M

  • SAE J429, J995

Hardness Testing

Hardness testing measures a material's resistance to localized plastic deformation, providing insights into its strength, wear resistance, and potential performance in various applications.

Our capabilities include:

  • Rockwell hardness

  • Rockwell Superficial hardness

  • Brinell hardness

  • Vickers microhardness

  • Knoop microhardness

We test to the following test standards, or customer specified requirements:

  • ASTM E18

  • NACE MR0175/ISO 15156

  • ASTM E18

  • SAE J417

  • NACE MR0175/ISO 15156

  • ASTM E110

  • SAE J417

  • ASTM B578

  • ASTM E384

  • SAE ARP 1820, J417

  • ASTM E92

  • NACE MR0175/ISO 15156

Charpy Impact Testing

The Charpy V-notch test measures a material's toughness and ability to absorb energy during impact, providing insights into its behavior under sudden loading and susceptibility to brittle fracture.

Our capabilities include:

  • +80 deg F to -320 deg F

  • Standard of sub-sized specimens

We test to the following test standards, or customer specified requirements:

  • ASTM A370

  • ASTM E23

Bend Testing

Bend testing evaluates a material's ductility, flexibility, and resistance to cracking or fracturing by bending it over a specified radius, often used to assess weld integrity or material quality.

Our capabilities include:

  • Material and Weld bend testing

  • Guided bend testing

  • Customizable test parameters

We test to the following test standards, or customer specified requirements:

  • ASTM A370

  • ASTM E190

  • ASTM E290

Our in-house machine shop allows us to prepare a wide variety of tensile specimens including round, rectangular, standard and sub-size from most metals, hardness specimens, and Charpy V-notch impact specimens.

  • All testing equipment is calibrated to ISO standards and verified on a regular basis.

  • All tests are performed in accordance with current industry standards and specifications, or to your specifications.

  • All specimen preparation and testing is performed by trained and experienced personnel.

Our Commitment to Quality